3 Innovative Property Marketing Ideas to Try in 2023

3 Innovative Property Marketing Ideas to Try in 2023

Businesses make an average of $2-$4 for every $1 spent on advertising.

Property marketing helps landlords promote their rental properties in the Chattanooga, Tennessee/Georgia area. It can help make your property stand out from other listings and attract new tenants.

There are several types of marketing you can use to promote your rental property. Some are free, others cost money, but most have a high return on investment. If you are looking for real estate marketing strategies to try in 2023, this short and simple guide is for you.

1. Virtual Reality Tours

Virtual reality tours let your customers experience what visiting your property is like through a headset. The user can walk through the Chattanooga, Tennessee/Georgia area home and experience it as if they were there.

They can look around, see the view, walk into each room, and get a feel for its size.

This is a great way for potential renters to see what life might be like in the home before actually visiting it. It's especially helpful for potential renters who are looking at multiple properties but don't want to drive from place to place to see them all.

2. Drones for Property Photos

An aerial photograph of your Chattanooga, Tennessee/Georgia area property will give potential renters a bird's-eye view of the surroundings. This can help them see if they like the area and how much space there is between properties.

Drone photos are also great for showing off the property itself from angles that people wouldn't normally be able to get. If you are looking for a way to market your property more effectively, drones may be the answer. They allow for more creative and unique photos of your home that will help attract tenants.

3. Text Marketing

Text marketing lets you get your message across without spending money on print materials like flyers, billboards, newspapers, or brochures. Send a text message through your phone and wait for it to be opened by the person in question.

If they are interested in what you have to say, they can reply to the message and begin a conversation. This form of digital marketing is great for real estate because it allows you to reach out to potential clients without being invasive.

You can also keep track of how many people are opening your messages and what they are responding to. This allows you to gauge the overall effectiveness of your campaign.

Make Your Property Marketing More Effective

The way you market your property can have a big impact on its success. The more effective your marketing, the quicker you can fill your vacancies.

Don't limit yourself to traditional forms of property marketing, such as newspaper ads, flyers, and more. Instead, use modern marketing techniques to reach more people and get better results.

PMI Chattanooga is a property management company that can help you with your rental property needs. We offer a wide range of services, including tenant screening, rent collection, and maintenance. Contact us today to learn how we can help!
